

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Four More Years...!

Well,... I don't know how to feel really.

Delighted obviously that Caroline won, and by a ginormous margin as well, nearly 8,000 votes more than her nearest rival in Purna Sen from Labour, which is a massive achievement considering she only won by a difference of roughly 1,200 last time round. Amazing stuff, and totally deserved given her record in parliament since 2010 (best newcomer, most ethical politician, MP of the Year 2014). Victory was never certain though, and the campaign co-ordinator had us out door knocking until 9:50pm on election night to try and get every last vote - "how would we feel if she lost by five votes...?". Fortunately we'll never know...

The campaign to re-elect Caroline Lucas was a great success, I'm proud to have been part of it, and people of Brighton, I'm proud of you!

The rest of the UK however, not so much.

I was saying to a friend after the election how the Conservatives are like U2,... I don't know a single person who would confess to like them, yet they are seemingly this hugely popular tour-de- force.

The prospect of a Conservative majority government is a truly chilling one for all the reasons Ive covered on this blog previously - further privatisation of health services, prioritising business over environmental interests, turning a blind eye to corporate tax avoidance, pressing for passing of the dreaded TTIP, an in/ out EU referendum.. it goes on. Who thinks any of these things are a good thing for the country?!

One thing is for sure, Caroline will have many a fight on her hands in the Commons over the next five years, and I certainly wont be short of endeavours to sink my teeth into here on this blog. Its 7 months until the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris in December, and time to start building pressure to make sure David Cameron puts the needs of the people over the needs of big business.

Thank god there's at least one sane voice in parliament


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