After months of hitting the campaign trail hard, the fate of the nation is finally upon us tomorrow! And not a day to soon I must say. How Caroline and the rest of the would be candidates keep it up all day, every day, I do not know, cos I am bloody knackered!
The past few months have been hectic, seeing me involved in many an interesting doorstep chat (as well as knocking on many an un-answered door), posting hundreds of leaflets and letters, handing out yet more leaflets at debates, delivering the Greenleaf newspaper, running a stall on Western Road, delivering "Re-Elect Lucas" posters, registering students to vote, and attending every local hustings I could make it to.
And still more to do, as we need to run round town tomorrow making sure that everybody who said they would vote Green actually turn up and vote Green, even if it is windy and raining!
Many around Brighton think it is a given that Caroline will get in, what with the sea of Green posters in windows, but with the students out of town Im not so sure, plus Ive a sneaking suspicion that there's a hidden mass of quietly unassuming non-poster waving life-long Labour supporters who will dutifully turn out and vote in their thousands. We shall see...
For all I know, these months of hard work could all be for naught, and I'll be gutted if Caroline doesn't get in. But... at least I'll be able to live with myself.
See you at the polls tomorrow
Don't let me down Brighton
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