

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Criminalisation of 'Legal Highs'

Why this huge push by the government to criminalise ‘legal highs’ and push the trade into the hands of criminals? 
How many people die in any given year from legal highs, compared to how many people die from cars? And what harm are these substances doing to anyone other than the user? Where I could argue that cars damage the atmosphere, my lungs, and potentially my safety as a pedestrian or cyclist.
This is obviously the same argument about control that goes for any currently criminalised substance, its total hypocrisy and is a ridiculous way to impose will on the masses. Does a legal high cause more damage than tobacco or alcohol to the user/ society? Or even fast foods, when considering the health implications for the individual concerned and the pressures put on the NHS? Not a chance. And even if it did, its my decision to make as an independent sentient being.
I find it incredibly condescending that the governments of the world deem their public to be so devoid of intellect that they must be forcibly prohibited from putting certain things in their body, which in itself could be considered an independent universe outside the jurisdiction of any third party.
When you compare this to any other living thing on the planet it seems totally impossible that a snake would ever stop another snake from consuming something because it thought it might be bad, or that it might have negative implications for greater snake society. Apart from some insects (ants, termites, bees), animals are truly free individuals to experience life uninhibited by rules and laws and I am so jealous of them for that.
How I wish the government would put some effort into clamping down on tax avoidance and hedge fund gamblers rather than legal highs and benefit fraud.

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