

Monday, 16 March 2015

Fear and Freezing on the Campaign Trail

Round 4 of canvassing for Caroline tomorrow.

Mick described it perfectly last week when he said its like going to the gym. I dont look forward to it beforehand, and I dont enjoy it when Im actually doing it, but its really rewarding and I feel great about myself afterwards.

I just feel like a real arse knocking on peoples door uninvited and interrupting their evenings,... I know that its not the first time anyone has knocked on their door unannounced, and Im sure all the other major parties have already passed through, and of course canvassers are to be expected in the run up to a general election, but still, its tough and I dont like it.

The thing is though, I really really do like the idea of Caroline Lucas being re-elected as MP for Brighton, and if annoying a few people on a Tuesday evening will help to achieve that goal then its a small price to pay. 

Of course I'd much rather go home after work and have a nice bit of dinner and a cup of tea, but  I'll have four years to do that after the general election, and whatever happens, I wont regret just sitting on the sidelines doing nothing, scoffing at the radio and writing some angry facebook rants but not actually doing anything...

Three weeks in and only one door slammed in our face...

See you on the streets


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