

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Merchants of Doubt

Went to see this at Komedia last night; an excellent documentary based on a book of the same name, about how fossil fuel companies employ various ‘experts’ and ‘scientists’ to go into the media and cast doubt on the impact (or even existence) of global warming.

The film makers show how many big oil and coal companies use the same tactics against climate science that were used to debunk evidence that smoking was harmful fifty years ago. These skeptics are paid to go on TV and write articles discrediting climate change with phrases like “theres no consensus in the scientific community” and “no one knows for sure” and “its too soon to tell”.

They also play on the idea that the Green movement is in some way a new socialist conspiracy, calling environmentalists “watermelons” (green on the outside, red on the inside). Its a brilliant film, right up to date and makes you question who you chose to believe in the media. The general gyst is, not people who have a lot to lose from switching to renewables!

heres the trailer:

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