I found this following todays Guardian article titled "Yes, we can live well and avoid climate disaster, says UK government"
Our good friends at The Dept for Energy and Climate Change have created a free online tool called The Global Calculator .
The idea is to play around with a load of different variables (population, energy use, travel habits, consumption levels, etc) and see if you can create a 'pathway' for humanity to follow which is both achievable and keeps temperatures below a 2oC increase.
Its really hard to create a scenario where I can live in a big house enjoying round the clock central heating while tucking into a juicy Argentinian steak.
The future sucks!
But seriously, have a go, and see if you can find a more appealing future than the 20 or so other models on offer...
hello friends, curtis here.
I have recently decided that I dont want to be a donut. Here are some examples of a donut:
Instead of being a donut, I want to be one of the good guys.
I want to try and do some good.
I want to try and see what I can do to make tomorrow better than today.
and i dont mean by just doing some laundry or assassinating Nigel Farage.
i mean by doing things like giving up some time to local community projects.
like actually participating in politics, rather than just talking about it.
like attending council meetings and protest rallies.
like giving to charity, rather than just meaning to.
like supporting campaigns and initiatives and petitions and local businesses, etc etc
and in between, i also hope to find the time to sound off about a few things I might've learned along the way.
So, lets see how it goes, and hopefully come January 2016, i'll have done some good, and learnt some new stuff.
A bientot
Mr C